
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Rough week

You ever have one of those days where it seems like it's a major fight to get out of bed and then get through the day at work? I've had one of those weeks.

It started last weekend with a stomach virus that just wiped me out.  No energy, achy, no appetite.  Anything and everything that I ate all weekend, disturbed my stomach.  After the excitement last week (oral surgery and getting used to the dentures), I needed this weekend to be able to recharge.  Even though I did next to nothing all weekend, I didn't get the recharge I needed.  So, this week is dragging.

Getting up for work is hard.  Takes all my will to avoid just rolling over and going back to sleep.  This is another case of where my family helps me.  If I was by myself, I probably would give in to the urge to find a hole and pull it in after me on days like this.  Because of my family, I force myself to get up, shower, shave, and at least pretend to be functioning so that I can go to work and try to fool my coworkers into thinking that I'm coherent and functioning.  They all think I'm nuts, but that's okay.  I work for an Army contractor and the work environment definitely aligns with the old saying, "You don't have to be crazy to work here.  It just helps." I have to provide for my family.

Some days, that's the only thing that keeps me moving.


  1. I am feeling you today! I tend to do okay with that little quirk of ours but every so often in the middle of the night the excruciating pain starts. It feels like my insides are in knots and it lasts a bit and usually a fever comes with it. No idea what triggered it. I actually ate really good yesterday. I want to die though. To bad my 2-year-old needs me and the other kids need to be reminded to wake before noon.

  2. Aw, sweetie. *Gentle hugs* I know I can't begin to empathize, but please know how much you are loved. You are such a blessing to each of us and you (along with the kids) are what keeps me getting up every day. You give me strength during the ups and downs of my own challenging roller coaster ride. I'm sorry for the times it might not seem like I'm giving 100% and thank you for your patience over all these years! We have a love that has faced the fire and emerged strong and everlasting. Thank you for being my 'together forever'.

  3. @Polarized Mommy: Wait ... you have ups and downs? :D Seriously, if you can deal with my quirks, I can admit that I don't see any in you. You're perfect to my eyes, dear heart.

    @Lila: Isn't it amazing what we can do when we think (even when it's not true) that someone is depending on us?

  4. @shamandin In your case you've got alot of folks pulling for you... I don't want to say depending because that puts undo pressure on you. We love you so much. I thank God every day for you. If you ever need extra encouragement, just look into the precious eyes of our children... You are their hero (even the teenage ones :P) and you are mine too. Remember PGHS.... I'd look forward to just touching hands as we passed each other between classes. I still feel the same today.
