
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Days that suck

You ever have one of those days that just truly suck? Days that suck your energy, patience, and desire to accomplish anything right out of you? Well, today is one of the days for me.

My fibro limits me in various ways. When I overextend, like I did this weekend wtih laying tile in one of my mom's bedrooms and the helping my son stay up prepping for a sleep deprivation EEG and then taking him to said EEG. When I overextend, my body reminds me of it for several days. Aches, dizziness, cramps and muscle spasms, heavy fatigue, and loss of appetite all are ways my body (because of the fibro) remind me that I over did it. The flare hits worse the day after but normally lasts for several days. The severity diminishes somewhat as my body manages recover from the overwork that I out it through.

That's something that a lot of folks don't understand. I can do a lot of things that are considered normal. They don't see the torment that I go through on the following days. That's why I have to be careful and pick and choose which activities I will do.

Now, while this is a bit of a rant, I want to make it clear that I do not ever intend for this disease to keep me from doing what I want to do. I will do what I need to do and accept the consequences. At that point, it's my choice to be a stubborn, pigheaded Polack. Everyone else just needs to get out of my way. I don't need to be babied. I am learning the new limits that my body has decided to enforce. I am also aware of the consequences of going beyond those limits.

I will not let this disease beat me. I will not let it dictate to me how I should live my life. I acknowledge the limits and their consequences. I will not let them stop me from helping my family and doing things with my family. My family is too precious to me for me to allow it to take them and activities with them away from me.

I apologize that this is a little ranty and a lot incoherent. I'm dealing with the consequences of overextending this weekend. My brain and body are barely functioning today. I'm lucky to have made it into work today.

-- Sham

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Not quite ready for the Wookie suit

The other night, She Who Must Be Adored (bka my wife of almost 17 years) and I were having a discussion on political views. She made the comment that a lot of my views were in line with what Penn Jillette promotes (an atheistic Libertarianism.

I got to thinking. Having done some research on the Libertarian Party in the past, I've found that I agree with much of their stated viewpoint on things. It can be simply boiled down to "Everybody's treated like an adult. I stay out of your business and you say out of mine.".

However, there are a few things that I disagree with them on. I believe that a minimal government is a necessary evil while they want no government. I believe that the fastest and longest lasting way to handle some issues is with violence and overwhelming force. The LP is so non-violent that you have to sign a vow to that affect when joining the party. My disagreement comes from the fact that evil exists in this world. Sometimes, it takes a use of force to stop that evil or to protect me and mine from the evil.

I decided (on a lark) to take the Libertarian Purity Test located here. I scored 89/160. According to the test's author, that puts me as a "medium-core Libertarian".

No need for a Wookiee suit yet (but, man would that be cool!)

--- Sham

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